Wednesday 15 January 2014

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #98 Illegalise Rodeos

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #98 Illegalise Rodeos

Guest writer:
When I was perusing various websites about rodeos, I discovered something quite unsettling. Now I have always been against rodeos, but I am now finding out that pro-rodeo websites seem to think that an animal bucking is something natural and fine – to be encouraged. But there's nothing natural about putting a flank strap on an animal which irritates so much it causes the continuous bucking action. The strap can also rub and cause contusions on the skin, as well as putting pressure on the flank.

I think it’s quite clear that in rodeo conditions the animal is irritated, and potentially afraid. To say that they would like to encourage bucking in an animal is concerning – it has been proven that bulls and horses post-rodeo usually have some forms of injuries. To buck that hard and for that long puts strain on their backs (not to mention the added burden of the rider) as well as to their legs from repeatedly slamming down on the ground. There have been cases of horses / bulls with broken backs left to drag themselves away. And why would anyone want to actively incite irritation in an animal? Is this not purely and simply animal cruelty? Why torture an animal for absolutely no reason except for perhaps a trophy for making the animal suffer for the longest?

Another shocking aspect of rodeos is calf roping. To jerk a small calf to a stop with a rope around its neck, throw it to the ground and then tie its legs up – all in front of a cheering crowd? Would this not be an intensely terrifying experience for an innocent young calf? What do these animals do to deserve such treatment? To be used simply for grotesque human entertainment is a complete and utter disgrace.

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