Monday 13 January 2014

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #96 Protect Rhinos

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #96 Protect Rhinos
Guest Writer:
I must say, I have always loved rhinos. They are amazing creatures, and I once had the opportunity to be up close and personal with some at Melbourne’s wonderful Werribee Open Range Zoo during a careers day back when I was in high school. So I definitely want to make sure that rhinos stick around on the planet for all of our descendants to enjoy.

Rhinos are poached for their horns. It is believed that they contain medicinal properties, which are entirely false. They are made up of keratin, the same thing our hair and fingernails are made of. It’s even a key component in the outer layer of our skin. So knowing this now, why does poaching of rhinos still occur? What is the point anymore? You’d be just as well off if you ate your own hair as if you drank some concoction made with rhino horn. Part of the problem is the poor enforcement of laws against poaching or selling goods made from rhino horns. Without the threat of consequence, why would people stop? I believe that education is key, and getting the laws to be properly and fully enforced would be a good start to preventing the unnecessary deaths of rhinos. And if ever you come across something made from rhino horn, report it.

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