Tuesday 7 January 2014

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #90 Respect Animals

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #90 Respect Animals

Animals have not evolved on this planet simply for the pleasure of mankind. Each and every one of them is here as part of the BIG picture, the picture that is far greater than you or I. They deserve our respect, and that can be displayed in many different ways.
If you are a pet owner, be a responsible pet owner. Allow your pet to be the animal that it is and remember that it is not a human. It does not deserve to be dressed in clothes like a doll or carried around in a handbag as an accessory, or simply carried around all day like a baby that can’t walk.
Farm animals deserve the respect of a healthy environment and a good life where they are given appropriate space and cared for as living, breathing creatures, and not seen as ‘product’. Then they deserve a quick and humane death before butchering.
Wild animals deserve respect in the form of maintaining natural habitats, banning hunting other than for food, being free from traps and other human hazards, and not treating them as objects for private display and entertainment.
The planet needs all living creatures to live in freedom in their natural environments, and we need to learn how to respect that.

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