Monday 6 January 2014

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #89 Respect Other's Religions

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #89 Respect Other's Religions

Mother said “never talk about sex, politics or religion.” But maybe we should talk about religion.
Take a look at history and you’ll see that so much of the world’s unrest, so many wars, have been fought in the name of religion. Usually people are frightened of things they know little or nothing about, and that creates tension which can erupt into war. Maybe it’s time we all learned a lot more about other people’s religions – and maybe it’s time a few religions opened up about what they truly believe, too.
In the middle of the city where I live, there is a street corner on which a handful of Muslim men stand and quietly hand out brochures explaining various aspects of Islam. On the opposite corner there is a man standing on a soapbox shouting with all his might about the virtues of Christ and the sins of mankind. As I stood on the corner, waiting for the traffic lights to change, I wished I could get the two groups together in the middle of the street to shake hands with each other and say “Hello, would you like to sit and share a meal?” Maybe if they broke bread together and started talking to each other, there would be less need to stand on the corner.
But I think the Muslims got it right.
Nonetheless, we ALL need to take some time out to show some respect for other people’s religions. We don’t have to convert. We don’t have to agree. We don’t have to disagree. We don’t need to fight. We just need to show respect.


Unknown said...

This is so true! I've never understood the concept of war in the name of religion?! "Love thy neighbour as thyself" - whether that's the neighbour over the fence, down the street, in the office or in the next country. "Do unto others as you'd have them do unto you" - I'm sure you don't want them shooting you or blowing them up - well, don't do it to them. Some things are just so common-sensicle!?

Unknown said...

Oh, and yes, I do read them all Marg, and have been enjoying them all. Some of them I've been practicing for years, some give me pause to think!
Love your flowers and your posts - particularly these "Respect" ones - that's a word/action that, sadly, I think is dying out.