Saturday 4 January 2014

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #87 Respect the Elderly

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #87 Respect the Elderly

In Australia we can learn from the Aboriginal peoples whose culture is based on respect for the land and respect for the elders. The elders teach the young in stages as they are initiated into different levels of learning. In this way they pass on traditions, culture, beliefs, stories and knowledge.
In England they have recently made official a ‘Dignity Code’ which sets out expectations on how  people should treat the elderly. Within this wonderful document it states that it is unacceptable to be abusive or disrespectful in any way. It also calls for the use of formal spoken terms of address, unless invited to do otherwise. This is a core belief of mine – that respect of one’s elders begins with the form of address. As a child I used to look forward to the day when children would call me “Mrs” (insert surname). But it never happened. I’m lucky if the younger generation call me anything at all! Show respect. Begin by being polite in all ways, allow the elderly to speak for themselves, make their own decisions, keep their dignity, be surrounded by their possessions, choose how and where they live and help them in any way possible. By respecting our elders, we can then reasonably expect the same ourselves, in due course.

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