Wednesday, 30 July 2014

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #260 Use a Metal Razor

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #260 Use a Metal Razor

Here’s another plastic free idea to help reduce the amount of plastic going into landfill. Both men and women use razors and the disposable (plastic) kind are short-use items that are tossed away and replaced at an alarming rate. You don’t figure the razor companies have got it worked out? Make it disposable and the consumer has to keep buying – and paying and paying. Do yourself, and the planet, a big favour and buy a metal safety razor which uses replaceable blades that can be purchased wrapped in paper and in a cardboard box. No plastic waste. Your razor will last a lifetime, literally, and your contribution to landfill will be considerably reduced. As a bonus, from what I’ve read, others on the Internet are saying they get a better shave with a metal safety razor. Lots of bonuses here.

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