Friday 25 July 2014

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #255 Discourage Fur Trade

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #255 Discourage Fur Trade

I’m not actually against the wearing of fur, but I’m definitely against animal cruelty, and this is where this trade seems to go dreadfully wrong, with many animals needlessly suffering. According to Animals Australia, 85% of the fur industry’s skins come from animals raised in battery cages. This means the animals spend their lives in unnatural conditions, unable to act normally and eventually displaying disturbing behaviours. Other furs are acquired through traps in the wild, a painful way for any creature to be caught and subsequently suffer prolonged pain until they are eventually killed. This method is indiscriminate – many animals, not sought for fur, are captured in traps and die agonising deaths. It could even be a domestic dog or cat. And speaking of our beloved pooch or moggy, in China they are valued for their fur, but conditions for these poor creatures is even worse as they are transported in tiny wire cages, often not fed, can be strangled or beaten to death or even skinned alive.
Now that I’ve finished vomiting – let me suggest that we discourage fur trade and practices such as these mentioned. If you’ve got the stomach for it (and I’m afraid I don’t), then read and watch the videos provided at [].
There’s got to be a better way.

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