Thursday 10 July 2014

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #241 Buy Organic Cotton T-Shirts

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #241 Buy Organic Cotton T-Shirts

T-shirts are a part of so many people’s wardrobes that some would barely know how to live without them. They’re very comfortable, easy to wash and wear and in most cases demonstrate the wearer’s interest/s by what’s printed on the front/back. Usually they are made of cotton, which we all think of as a natural fibre and therefore a cotton t-shirt purchase must surely be good for the planet, right? Wrong.
Conventionally grown cotton uses more chemicals than any other single crop – nearly 25% of insecticide use worldwide. These chemicals cause harm to workers associated with the crops and even bystanders who may happen to be affected by overspray during poorly applied crop dusting. In poorer countries, workers are unable to either find or afford suitable protective clothing, leaving them prone to pesticide related illness. Pesticides are then involved in run-off, whereby the chemicals find their way into water systems where they contaminate the ecosystem, affecting wildlife and fish – fish that can then end up on our dinner plates. The cottonseed hull is a secondary crop, which finds its way into our food chain, yet it contains pesticide residue, and that means we can unknowingly be ingesting it.
Therefore, it makes sense to put some effort into this one, and probably a few more dollars, to purchase organic cotton t-shirts. After all the info in the previous paragraph, it makes sense, even if you only care about yourself and not a jot about the planet. Help yourself, your health AND the planet by seeking organic cotton t-shirts. The cotton is grown using animal manure for fertilizer, protects the health of people and animals, does not harm the environment through run-off, does not create super-bugs, protects water sources, does not pollute the air or affect the food chain, and consequently needs your support. When more and more people demand organic crops, the result will be a healthier planet.

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