1000 Flowers for the Planet - #235 Choose a Laptop
Sorry, I’m not talking about a particular type of dance here! This is
about laptop computer versus desktop computer, and as these Flowers are meant
to give you ideas for saving the planet, this one is solely about electricity
usage. Laptop or notebook computers use a lot less electricity than a desktop
computer, therefore reducing the amount of finite resources being used to
generate that electricity in the first place. Furthermore this reduces carbon
emissions. Using a laptop isn’t feasible for everyone or for every situation,
but if you have a choice between turning on a desktop or quickly performing
your task on a laptop and then turning it off again, choose the laptop. We all
seem to be in that mindset that the computer must always be turned ‘on’ and
accessible every minute of the day, but ultimately it’s a tool, and when we use
it as a tool we can save lots of energy. This will help the planet breathe a
little easier.
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