Wednesday 2 July 2014

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #234 Clean the Dryer Filter

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #234 Clean the Dryer Filter

We choose to rarely use our dryer, opting to use the clothesline instead and using the dryer only to finish things off in winter if needed, but some people need to use theirs a lot more, so some simple maintenance tips won’t go astray. We all know our dryers have a filter to get out all that lint that floats around. But do we all clean it out regularly? Here are some reasons why you should:
Cleaning the lint filter means that the dryer doesn’t work as hard when it’s on, and this means it uses less electricity – and that means more dollars in your pocket! There is a very technical reason why this is the case, but I’ll keep it simple here. If you use dryer sheets to eliminate static, add fragrance and soften clothes, they can really clog up your lint filter. The filter usually tends to have a mesh-like cover over the top of it, and you may find that if you use dryer sheets, if you try to run water through this mesh it won’t run through. The remedy is simple – just use an old toothbrush and some soapy water to clean the mesh and it should be good as new. By keeping the dryer filter clean we ensure that the dryer runs at full capacity therefore saving electricity, money and many finite resources.
Finally, there is the small risk that if your dryer becomes too overloaded from a clogged lint filter or mesh, it could cause a fire. Nobody wants that. So let’s all keep our lint filters clean!

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