Thursday 30 April 2015

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #518 Make Your Own Glue

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #518 Make Your Own Glue

It’s easy to make your own glue at home using simple ingredients such as flour and water. Other recipes might include sugar, vinegar, cornflour or salt. A simple search on the Internet will provide you with recipes for various applications and complete ‘how to’ instructions. Commercial glues can be made from animal products (so if you’re vegan you won’t want to use it) or oil-based products (there’s that fossil fuel thing again!). Therefore, you can make a big difference to the planet by making your own glue, as required, thereby avoiding chemical concoctions, and saving fossil fuels in the product and in the plastic packaging. You’ll also reduce landfill.  Another small difference in how we do things that all adds up.

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