Monday 27 April 2015

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #514 Observe World Penguin Day

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #514 Observe World Penguin Day

The 25 April was World Penguin Day but as an Australian, with 25 April being Anzac Day, I decided to put up a suggestion a little more appropriate to the importance of life in general. So today we can revisit World Penguin Day.
By looking after them and their habitats we can celebrate penguins every day of the year. As Antarctica looks more and more appealing as a place for providing resources for humans (minerals, food, research) it is becoming increasingly important for people to become aware of what we have in terms of natural riches, and to protect Antarctica and its inhabitants forever. Penguins come to land to roost and have their young, so their land habitats need to be protected to ensure their numbers remain sustainable. However, penguins spend about 75% of their time in the oceans, which means that the oceans need to be kept clean and free of fishing trawlers, oil spills and any other devastation humans cause. Each of us can help today by signing a petition written to the Commission on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources asking them to establish protected areas and marine reserves, where penguins, and other Antarctic wildlife, will be free to survive. The petition can be found at

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