Thursday 16 April 2015

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #504 Use Hankies to Remove Makeup

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #504 Use Hankies to Remove Makeup

Hankies, properly known as handkerchiefs, are a very old fashioned concept these days. People tend to use the throw-away version, the paper tissue, and I have to say I do agree that there is something somewhat gross about blowing your nose on a hanky and putting it in your pocket, or your handbag, or wherever, until it can be washed, but let’s not talk about that issue today. If, like me, you have a pile of hankies sitting unused in your drawers, pull them out, give them a wash and use them to remove your makeup at the end of the day. There’s no point whatsoever in letting all those pretty, unused hankies languish in storage where they never get seen or used – what’s the point? Use them for something useful, like removing your makeup and you will avoid using throw-away options which waste money, waste resources, take up space in landfill and produce pollution in their manufacture. This idea came from which is a terrific website where you will find lots and lots of wonderful ideas for reducing waste and recycling things. Meanwhile, use hankies that are otherwise not being used and help the planet in the process.

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