Monday 27 April 2015

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #515 Use a Push Mower

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #515 Use a Push Mower

Lawn mowers use petrol or electricity (fossil fuels), and are noisy (noise pollution) and smelly (air pollution). In many instances they are an evil necessity, but if you only have a small amount of grass that needs to be cut, consider using a push mower. These were the first types of lawn mower, and by using one you would be generating lots of benefits. For the person pushing the mower there is the benefit of exercise, a good workout that will assist in keeping fit and healthy, which has so many knock-on effects. Neighbours will benefit by the reduced noise pollution and air pollution – you can even mow the lawn in the early hours of a Sunday morning without making your neighbours cranky. The environment will benefit because you will not be using fossil fuels to make the mower work, there will be no carbon emissions, and fewer resources are used. A push mower should also last a lifetime because there are few parts to break down and the blades can be sharpened. His saves even more resources as well as saving you money. Lots of benefits all round.

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