Friday 1 May 2015

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #519 Try 'The Keeper'

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #519 Try 'The Keeper'

Warning for all men: this Flower suggestion is purely for the ladies so continue reading at your own risk. On average, women menstruate for 40 years and in that time they will throw away about 10,000 sanitary products (tampons or pads). These sanitary products, depending on the brand, can possibly be made from plastics (petrochemical products), and potentially contain the equivalent of four plastic bags. They can also contain other chemicals used for odour neutralizing and fragrance. As the skin touched by these products is highly sensitive, it is possible that these chemicals are being absorbed into the body and have the potential to cause health problems. You need to do your own research to check out how your body might be affected and become better informed.
However, there is a solution that is a win/win. The Keeper is a menstrual cup [see it at] made of natural gum rubber, therefore it is better for your health. The cup is reusable and lasts for years, making it an environmentally friendly device, saving landfill and the environment from thousands of human waste products. The amount of resources saved will be enormous, saving fossil fuels, carbon emissions, transportation and a big winner – saving you money: a huge amount of money over the years. Check it out and be an environmental warrior.

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