Saturday 4 April 2015

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #492 Keep Your Phone

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #492 Keep Your Phone

E-waste is a huge problem – read all about that at Flower #316 Avoid E-Waste. One way of reducing the problem is to keep your phone, instead of upgrading to a new one every 12 months or even every 24 months. Phone companies want you to upgrade so that you will sign up to a new plan and they can charge you for the new handset – it’s all about taking your money and creating record profits for them. This isn’t good practice for helping the planet. The amount of human thought and time spent inventing the modern phone is amazing – shame it’s not spent on solving more important problems, like how we’re going to reduce carbon emissions whilst generating energy for our modern lives. Your phone already does what you need it to do, so why keep changing for a new model all the time? Learn to look after what you have, or you may end up not having it at all if we keep consuming resources at the rate we are currently consuming them. Start by keeping your current phone for one extra year, preferably longer, and do your bit to reduce waste.

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