Thursday 9 April 2015

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #496 Use Natural Toothpaste

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #496 Use Natural Toothpaste

How we clean our teeth has become completely dominated by the toothpaste companies, but toothpaste has become very industrialised and commercial over the last century. Modern toothpaste contains ingredients that are now being put under the microscope of question as we become increasingly aware of the effects of chemicals on our health. So it’s good to know that there are alternatives available to us, if only we can let go of all the (mis?)information we’ve been fed by the marketing people for decades. A full list of possibilities is available to you with just a little effort and an Internet search, but in brief you can use things like sea salt, baking soda, essential oils, hydrogen peroxide, herbal tooth powders, pure water or even nothing more than a toothbrush. Take some time to get educated about oral hygiene, what’s true and what’s myth, and make up your own mind, but the planet will do much better without all the chemicals we keep pouring into the water systems – and our health just might, as well.

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