Tuesday 29 October 2013

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #24 Refuse Junk Mail

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #24 Refuse Junk Mail

For the next week I am presenting ideas for using less paper.
A very easy way to reduce the amount of paper coming into your home in the first instance is to refuse junk mail. These days we have advertisements coming at us from every angle. Most of them we have no control over. However, we can control junk mail by putting a sign on our letterbox stating “No Junk Mail”. This is how it works in Australia. How does it work in your country?
Recently, despite the sign on our letterbox (mailbox), the delivery person found a loophole by putting the junk mail inside our free local newspaper, which she also delivered. It took a few phone calls to find out who was responsible, but in the end I was able to ask for this practice to cease. I had received ‘25’ multi-paged advertising brochures in that newspaper. I may not be able to stop companies from printing their brochures, but if enough people refuse receipt of them, eventually they may stop wasting paper.

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