Wednesday 23 October 2013

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #18 Reject Plastic Bags

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #18 Reject Plastic Bags

Plastic bags were introduced into supermarkets in 1977.
Australians use over 3.65 billion plastic bags a year
Europe throws away 4 billion plastic bags a year
Americans use 100 billion plastic bags each year (another website put this figure at 350 billion)
Around the world 500 billion to 1 trillion! bags are used every minute
In many cases it’s difficult to know the date for when this information was uploaded to the net, but who cares which is correct – the figures are staggering at best.)
It takes 1,000 years for a plastic bag to decompose.
If you think using paper bags is the answer, think again! It takes more energy, a lot more water and produces more greenhouse gases to produce paper bags compared with plastic bags. So get out those baskets, reusable bags and cotton totes and use them.

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