Tuesday 15 October 2013

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #12 Cut Up Plastic Rings Before Recycling

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #12 Cut Up Plastic Rings Before Recycling

Whenever you are about to discard a piece of plastic ring, please cut it at least once before tossing it in the rubbish. What plastic rings? The six-pack rings are one common type that are particularly hazardous. I like peanut butter and the plastic jar has a large ring left after I’ve broken the seal. There are other examples, all of which can cause environmental threats to wildlife and ecosystems. If they can’t be avoided all together, then take a few seconds of your time to cut them in half before tossing them away. Whilst this seems like a small thing to do, every little bit counts. We do need to sweat the small stuff.  I read an informative and passionate piece about this topic at:
See the results of plastic rings in the environment at:


Unknown said...

You have some terrific and simply ideas, Marg. I'm a pretty eco-friendly girl, but there are always things I haven't thought or heard of, like this tip. From now on.... S x

Unknown said...

Sorry, "Simple" ideas!