Sunday 29 June 2014

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #231 Shut Your Damper

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #231 Shut Your Damper

No, I’m not talking about Aussie bush bread or telling you rudely to ‘be quiet’. A damper is a valve or plate that regulates air flow in a chimney or duct. If you leave this open when the fireplace is not being used it will allow air to travel up the chimney, thus you will be losing a great deal of warm air that you might be producing through a central heating system, and that would be incredibly wasteful. If you shut the damper you will save a lot of money in energy costs apart from saving the energy. Check your ducted system has dampers allowing you to control which rooms are being heated/cooled and block off any unused rooms to conserve energy. You have the control – remember to use it.

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