Friday 27 June 2014

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #230 Work from Home

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #230 Work from Home

Obviously this is not an option for everybody, but if you can work from home, why not? Some people are able to employ themselves and work from home full time, others can manage a few days away from the office to work remotely from home. The benefits are many. On a personal level, being at home means no commute, saving lots of valuable time and providing opportunities for spending that time in various ways, as you choose – more time with the kids, a few extra hours of work, a sleep in. Not commuting means savings in terms of travel expenses, either saving petrol for your car, or the cost of public transport. It reduces congestion on the roads or in public transport. Working from home may even be better for your health as you avoid the stress of rush hours, cranky drivers in bumper to bumper traffic or maybe even the office bully. You may be more productive working in the comfort of home where you can contemplate complex issues in your cosy chair or go for a walk in the fresh air to clear your head. The planet benefits too with reduced fuel usage, lower carbon emissions and less pollution. And guess what? You can go to work in your pyjamas!

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