Tuesday 17 June 2014

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #226 Make a Draft Stopper

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #226 Make a Draft Stopper

Some houses are not good at keeping out annoying drafts, particularly under the doors. Draft stoppers might seem old fashioned but they make perfect sense and prevent your expensive hot air from escaping out into the cold. A draft stopper at the door, front and back, will keep your hot air where you need it to be: inside keeping you warm. It will also lower your energy bills, save natural resources and reduce carbon emissions.
Making one can be as simple as stuffing an old pair of tights – only one leg required, or make two from the one pair and have both front and back doors covered. With a bit more effort you can make something a little fancier. I have a terrific sewer for a mum who made one for me using velvet fabric, in fact it has the head of a dog at one end with floppy ears and a fancy collar, and a tail sticking up at the other end – very cute. The Internet will give you lots of options: snakes, dogs, cats, patchwork, giant bonbon, row of houses, crocheted, knitted, fabric – there’s a draft stopper to suit you. Have fun with it and help the planet with this small idea.

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