Tuesday 3 June 2014

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #213 Shorten Your Shower

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #213 Shorten Your Shower

When we were going through a drought here in Australia, one which lasted ten years, one of the first things we were asked to do was to reduce the time we spent in our shower. Specifically, we were asked to keep it to four minutes or less. For those who stand under the pleasant, warming cascade of a hot shower for twenty minutes or so, just the idea of a four minute shower was a nightmare – but these measures had to be taken. I recall meeting a girl from the outback who was able to shower in less than a minute – and that included washing her hair. She pretty much puts the city folk to shame.
However long you spend in the shower, consider reducing it, if only by a few minutes. It will mean that much less time for water to run down the drain, wasting our most valuable resource. You’ll not only save water, you’ll have a bit of extra time for doing something else, save a few dollars in the process, and still come out clean and fresh.

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