Sunday 15 June 2014

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #224 Adjust Your Thermostat

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #224 Adjust Your Thermostat

Reduce the thermostat on your heating system to make big savings on your energy bill. It’s not necessary to make a huge change all at once; rather you can turn it down by one degree and live with that for a week or two while you adjust to the new temperature. Keep lowering by one degree and allowing your body to adjust until you have reduced it by three or four degrees and you will find you can actually adjust to living in a slightly cooler environment. At night when you’re sleeping you can adjustment the thermostat down by five to ten degrees. Also remember to turn down the thermostat when you are away for a weekend or longer. All of these things will make a huge difference to your energy bill. You will be doing the planet a big favour by using less energy (gas/oil/uranium/electricity), saving finite resources, reducing transportation costs to get that energy to your house and reducing carbon emissions. It’s actually quite do-able.

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