Friday 6 June 2014

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #215 Brush Your Teeth Quietly

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #215 Brush Your Teeth Quietly

Continuing my theme of water saving tips, I suggest you brush your teeth quietly. How do you do that? Turn off the tap while you are actually performing the action of brushing. The noise of water rushing down the plug hole will be silenced and you will save quite a few litres of water. Multiply this by how many times you brush your teeth each day, then by the number of days in the year and you should come up with a substantial water saving. One website quoted a savings in the U.S.A. of five gallons per day with a nationwide savings of up to one and a half billion gallons. Imagine saving nearly nineteen litres of water a day by the single act of turning off the tap whilst brushing your teeth. That’s major!

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