Thursday 27 February 2014

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #135 Utilise Your Smart Phone

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #135 Utilise Your Smart Phone

I’m nowhere near as proficient at using my smart phone as my daughter is, but I do recognise that it has functions that can aid in the reduction of paper usage. Firstly, it can be used to store the names, addresses and phone numbers of all your friends and family, so it becomes your electronic address book. Secondly, it takes wonderful photos that you then carry with you everywhere as your very own brag book (great for new grandmothers eh?). Thirdly, your smart phone is terrific for notes – as many as you like without the need for finding a pen that works. It can also give you reminders, either at a certain time or at a certain place, with an alarm to alert you. All of these are very convenient tools and save paper along the way, which is good for the planet.

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