Monday 10 February 2014

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #120 De-Sex Your Cat

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #120 De-Sex Your Cat

Much loved by some, much hated by others, the domestic cat is sometimes a controversial animal. For those who are in love with their feline friends, ensure you love your cat enough to have it de-sexed and prevent unwanted litters of kittens. I’ve personally known people who think that owning a cat is all about paying it attention when they feel like it and ignoring it when they’re too busy. This is not responsible pet ownership.
Owning a cat is a privilege, and owners should be responsible enough to have their beautiful moggy de-sexed at the appropriate age. There are so many unwanted felines out there adding to the problem of feral cats who threaten our wildlife. The Christmas season always creates a dramatic increase in the number of dumped cats (and dogs) that were temporary presents for children whose parents gave them a poor life lesson in the treatment of animals. Cats are not a commodity. They are living, breathing creatures, and they deserve better. And de-sexed male cats are often less aggressive, making them nicer pets.
Be responsible. De-sex your cat.

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