Thursday 6 February 2014

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #116 Use a Biofermenter

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #116 Use a Biofermenter

A biofermenter will help reduce the amount of waste you put into your rubbish/trash bin. It is particularly useful for those who cannot create a compost heap or worm farm, with the huge benefit of being able to store it within your kitchen where it is easily accessible at any time of the day or night. The fermentation process is completely odourless. What is particularly cool is that you can put in any type of food waste, including meat, bones, oil, and citrus peel – things that cannot go into a compost. You can include cooked food waste, fruit and vegetable peels, and teabags. The fermented waste is eventually buried in your garden where it will continue to decompose, benefitting the soil and helping to grow healthy plants. By using a biofermenter you will become more aware of how much food you waste, which may even lead to more efficient management of your cooking and eating habits, which in turn will save you money as well as many natural resources. Furthermore, you will reduce landfill – always a good thing.

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