Friday 26 June 2015

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #543 Observe International Day Against Drug Abuse and Trafficking

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #543 Observe International Day Against Drug Abuse and Trafficking

Today, 26 June is International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, about which you can learn more at:
Drugs are a worldwide problem, affecting communities everywhere. Despite the problem being acknowledged as a world issue back in 1909 we don’t seem to have come very far in resolving it, with ice, meth, crack (whatever name or drug you want to mention) being a bigger problem than ever. Drugs particularly affect the young members of our communities and the consequences are felt far and beyond the drug user themselves. Families are torn apart, siblings are confused and abused, parents are distraught, grandparents feel helpless as they watch their beloved family member being taken over by the effects of illicit drugs. Drug users become desperate people, turn to crime to get their next hit, harm loved ones, ruin their health and sometimes even end up dead. There’s nothing pretty about the drug story, so take today to think about how it’s affecting your community, or sadly maybe your family, and either get help or offer help to someone who needs it. Somehow we need to find a solution to this form of self destruction in order to make our communities the wonderful places we want them to be.

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