Friday 12 June 2015

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #529 Drink Leaf Tea

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #529 Drink Leaf Tea

Reducing waste in your household is a good way to help the planet. It cuts down on landfill and saves a lot of resources, as well as money. A simple way to do this is by drinking leaf tea in preference to using tea bags. Teapots can be purchased in an amazing variety of styles and sizes, suited to one or half a dozen tea drinkers. They can even make a good talking point, but the best talking point is the fact that you are reducing your impact on the planet. Teabags are usually put into the bin where they end up in landfill. The spent leaves from leaf tea can be put into your compost or your biofermenter where they will return to nourish the soil. No bags means your tea will taste better too, without the added flavour of the paper ‘bag’. But wait! There’s more. Some tea ‘bags’ are made of plastic. How does the idea of drinking something that has had heated plastic in it sound to you? More information is available in this interesting article at:
Turns out grandma was right again – leaf tea is definitely better. So dust off your teapot and get pouring.

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