Friday 19 June 2015

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #536 Buy Green Jeans

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #536 Buy Green Jeans

In light of all the dreadful consequences from manufacturing jeans, as listed in the previous Flower #535, next time you go shopping for a new pair of jeans, buy green ones. No, the suggestion is not to change the colour of your wardrobe, but to change the effects your wardrobe is having on the environment – buy organic cotton jeans. They’re made from the same type of material, except organic cotton doesn’t kill the environment like regular cotton does. The jeans will definitely cost you a lot more in dollars than the deadly ones do, but the non-organic will cost everyone heaps more in the future, in environmental damage and human health problems. Besides, the more demand there is for organic cotton, the cheaper organic jeans will become – we just have to struggle through that first push for change in order to get the ball rolling in the right direction.

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