Wednesday, 24 June 2015

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #541 Make Green Investments

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #541 Make Green Investments

A lot of people have probably never thought about their investments making an impact on the planet, but they most certainly are. You put your superannuation with a company that invests it on your behalf without any knowledge of which companies are being supported through those investments. For all you know, you could be supporting corporations who take water from villages around the world without compensating the local people, or who buy raw materials from people who use slave or child labour, or a corporation intent on owning the world’s food supply. If we are going to put our efforts into making things better for the planet, we also need to ensure our investments support sustainable practices and human rights. You’ll need to do some research for this, but having knowledge gives you power, so go check out your investments today.

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