Saturday 20 June 2015

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #537 Wash Jeans Inside Out

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #537 Wash Jeans Inside Out

Continuing the theme of ‘jeans’ this week, in the light of all the statistics mentioned in Flower #535 (Buy Fewer Jeans) and how damaging the production of them is to the planet, we need to ensure we get the longest wear from our jeans as is possible. When you wash your jeans inside out they keep their colour better. It also avoids other clothes being affected by dye from the jeans and it helps all your clothes last longer, as the thick seams on the jeans, as well as the metal parts such as zips and studs are not rubbing them and damaging more sensitive fibres. Ensuring all our clothes last longer is better for the environment, keeps things out of landfill longer and uses fewer resources.

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