Friday 27 February 2015

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #457 Go Low Impact

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #457 Go Low Impact

Sometimes the idea of going without something altogether is way too scary, so we avoid taking any steps at all because we think we’ll fail. This can be true of living a life entirely without plastic, for example. That kind of lifestyle takes a huge amount of dedication and sacrifice, so most of us baulk at the idea and continue doing what we’re doing. But we can take the decision to reduce what we do – go low impact. In regards to plastic, instead of trying to avoid all plastic we can avoid just single use plastics and make our impact that way. Instead of trying to avoid all foods with palm oil in them, substitute as many as possible to make at least some difference to the plight of the orang-utans. Instead of going without makeup at all, buy makeups that are not tested on animals and maybe change your beauty routine to remove at least one product from your bathroom (they’re not all necessary, you know).
Take baby steps. Don’t bite off more than you can chew in your fight to save the planet. Do what you can, think about what you do and how it impacts the planet, and resolve to at least go low impact.

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