Thursday 26 February 2015

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #456 Discourage Moonscaping

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #456 Discourage Moonscaping

Moonscaping has been occurring in my neighbourhood for a few years now. It happens because we have large house blocks and when an old house is pulled down to build several units the entire block is bulldozed of all plant-life. Trees that are 30, 40, 50 years old are felled. Beautiful rhododendrons, giant azalea bushes, big camellias 35 years old are bulldozed. The land is made completely bare before the new buildings are constructed, and then they build right up to every fence-line and concrete everywhere else so that there is nowhere for a tree or large bush to grow. They call this progress. They call it development. They make money from this. They also deprive people of greenery, gardens and space to breathe. They deprive children of a place to play. Moonscaping destroys habitats for all sorts of creatures, from bugs and insects to possums and birds. The larger animals have no food to eat and have to find somewhere else to live, which means they overcrowd some other area where the same species is trying to live. Birds have nowhere left to perch, have less food, and fewer places to nest and raise their young. Moonscaping is destructive and short-sighted. There has to be a better way – if we are as intelligent as we claim to be, we’d find that way.

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