Wednesday 4 February 2015

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #434 Devise Local Recycling Initiatives

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #434 Devise Local Recycling Initiatives

We’re very fortunate that we currently have a forward-thinking council in my home area, making better decisions for the future of our local environment. Part of their initiative is regarding recycling, and this makes perfect sense as disposal costs for governments grow ever higher. It’s not sensible to create waste only to pay more money to dump that waste in a landfill somewhere. If your area doesn’t already have good recycling options for your community, devise some plans to present to your council showing how this will save money, as well as resources. If your area already has good recycling practices, take up the challenge to improve on what is already being done: Do people need more education? Can it be streamlined? Can it be more cost-effective? Can it be easier to collect resources? We can also look at recycling even more of our waste if we put our minds to it. It takes some good intention, a bit of brain power, some initiative, followed by action. This way we improve our world.

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