Wednesday 18 February 2015

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #448 Reject Laziness

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #448 Reject Laziness

Every little bit of effort counts. If each and every one of us makes the effort to do the little things that we are capable of doing, the shift in the planet would be immense. Take the time to divide up your recycling properly and put it in the right place; take the time to switch off lights; take the time to maintain your car in top working order; speak up against injustice, animal cruelty, slavery, corruption; save resources; consume less; contribute more; think about your actions; reduce waste; save a species; participate in good actions. There’s so much to be done, all of it positive, but we need to lift ourselves out of our comas, relinquish apathetic attitudes and get active. Reject laziness and help the world become an even more amazing place.

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