Monday 16 February 2015

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #446 Save Your Teabags

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #446 Save Your Teabags

Having suggested you buy Fair Trade Tea (Flower #362) and Buy Organic Tea (Flower #445), it might be a good idea to double the use of your tea bags, which have probably cost a bit more to purchase. Apparently tea bags do have a lot of uses: for healing mouth sores; clearing up acne; relieving sunburn; relieving sore eyes; cleaning and refreshing. Learn more about how to take advantage of the humble used tea bag at and take a look at the site for other useful lifestyle tips too.
Using your teabags twice gives you double the value for your money, which is always helpful when balancing the household budget. It also means you’ve better utilised our natural resources and probably stopped yourself from using a chemical alternative in the process. The antioxidant qualities of tea are known to be beneficial, so you have nothing to lose by giving these tips a try.

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