Sunday 15 February 2015

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #445 Buy Organic Tea

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #445 Buy Organic Tea

Buying organic tea is about reducing health risks from chemicals used in the growing of tea and it’s about protecting the environment from those same chemicals. That’s a win/win situation. Sadly it can be expensive to gain certification for organically grown tea, so supporting growers that look after our health and the health of the planet can be tricky. Conversely, there are tea sellers who label their teas as organic when they are not – such a difficult (dare I say corrupt?) world we live in. Organic products are better for our health and the sooner we tell producers and corporations that we want healthy, chemical free, unaltered foods and beverages, the sooner we begin to look after the earth which sustains us. It cannot sustain us when it is constantly fed chemicals that cause disease. Lots more information is available at where you can read about the difficulties facing consumers as well as growers, and find lists of organic teas.

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