Thursday 29 January 2015

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #428 Understand Peak Oil

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #428 Understand Peak Oil

Peak oil has been discussed a lot since the 1970s, with no one quite sure exactly when production will peak and the inevitable downhill run take effect. The bottom line is that oil is a finite resource – it will run out eventually. Understanding this unavoidable truth is important for how the human population will manage to move forward into the next century. You may not be alive to see it, but that doesn’t mean you have the right to abuse the resource without thought for future generations. Oil is used to fuel our cars so we can get around easily, our tractors to help in food production so we can eat, and is the basis of plastic products. The next time you go to the grocery store or supermarket, look around and see how much you could purchase that does not contain plastic. Walk into any shop and notice how much plastic is used, particularly a toy store. Look at all the plastic in your own home. Imagine life without it.
It is thought that we have already passed peak oil production, which means we are now using the second half of what is available to us, and if we continue to use it at the rate we currently do, it will be gone some time this century. Read a better explanation at: and think: How you would live without oil in your life?

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