Thursday 22 January 2015

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #422 Dare to Try

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #422 Dare to Try

My old school motto was ‘Non Sine Palma Pulvere’, which we were told means ‘He who strives not wins not the victor’s palm’, but then they simplified it to ‘No reward without effort’, which I like very much and is a life mantra for me. Now the school simply says ‘Dare to Try’ (because you’re not permitted to be negative these days). It’s all the same message, though. There is no achievement without putting in some effort, daring to try, giving it a go and seeing what happens. There is no change without change. Unless we get up out of bed each day and do something different, we get the same results day after day. When presented with an opportunity to create a different ending, dare to try.
This ‘1000 Flowers for the Planet’ art project is about making the world a better place – environmentally, socially and morally. I’m spending this week offering different ways of facing the challenges we meet as a global community. I’ve taken a huge leap of faith that I can blog a flower every day for 1000 days and invite you to share the journey with me. I’m creating flowers, not prickles, with every suggestion a positive one. Join me in the quest to make this world a better place for every person, and every creature, by committing to just 10 new actions (that’s 1% of my suggestions). Go on! Dare to try.

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