Friday 9 January 2015

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #409 Enjoy Solitary Time

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #409 Enjoy Solitary Time

In this overcrowded world it can be very difficult to find time to be on your own, but making the effort to find that time and enjoying it can be very rewarding. Good health relies on us creating a balance in our lives between activity and inactivity, exercise and rest, noise and peace, interaction and solitary time. If it’s necessary, create an area where you can enjoy this solitary time, in order to make it effective and give you the space to clear your head and refresh yourself. It may provide you with the time you need to calm down after a hectic day at the office, an argument with a loved one, or your anxiety about the state of the world. We all have information fired at us from left, right and centre these days, telling us what to do, what to buy, how to live, what’s wrong with the world, who died and who we should believe. Make it a priority to schedule some regular solitary time into your life, when you can escape to simply breathe – reconnect with your mind, body and soul. It may make the difference between coping well with the demands made on us these days, and feeling like you’re suffocating under the strain of it all. Any activity that helps us be at peace will benefit us individually and as communities, and hence help the planet.

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