Tuesday 23 December 2014

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #392 Refuse Plastic Products

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #392 Refuse Plastic Products

Plastic is such a versatile and inexpensive material. We find it in just about everything we use these days. Unfortunately, it’s an oil-based product, and oil is a finite resource, so one day we’re going to have to learn to either live without plastic once again, or continuously recycle all the plastic we have already produced.
Somehow, plastic creeps into our homes and our lives without us even desiring it. We are given free giveaways such as drink bottles, highlighter pens, magnets, mouse pads, keyrings, pens, rulers, stress balls, the list goes on. From all kinds of sources we are given loyalty cards, CDs, marketing DVDs, knick knacks, product samples and more. The next time you put your hand out to be polite by taking something plastic being offered to you for free, retract that hand and think about what you’re doing. Do you really need that item or will it likely be tossed into landfill as soon as you get home?
On a more direct level, think about the consequences of buying plastic products and consider whether you can buy a better quality item made from more sustainable resources. Try disciplining yourself to refrain from buying things by testing whether or not you need them at all – go home and give yourself one week before returning to the store. If, after that week, you really can’t live without it, then buy it, ensuring you’re guilt-free. Otherwise, try to refuse plastic products, and save the planet’s resources.

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