Monday 22 December 2014

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #391 Learn About Your City

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #391 Learn About Your City

Just as it was suggested in Flower #375 to explore your own neighbourhood, learning about your city is an expansion on that. Even if you live in the country, it’s a great idea to spend some time in your nearest city and mix with the urban dwellers. Inner city areas have a very different feel from that in the suburbs, and even more striking contrasts from the country. Take some time to explore this, learn what interesting and diverse activities are available in your city and have some adventures. Discover how your city came to be, what industry created it in the first place, how that industry survived or died, and what makes the city viable in the twenty-first century.
By understanding how your local area works and what makes it survive or thrive, you will educate yourself on the impacts your area has on the planet. Do you come from an industrial city based on the export of coal or other mining activities? Does your city thrive on computer-based businesses like banking and finance? How green is your city? How clean is your city? How moral is your city? Is it based on the sex trade or child labour? Can you be proud of your city? Learn about it, see how you like it, and see what contributions towards a better society you can make.

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