Sunday 14 December 2014

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #383 Look After Your Brain

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #383 Look After Your Brain

We’re told to look after our physical health, to join a gym, eat well and take plenty of exercise, but our brains need exercise and care as well. Along with a healthy body, a healthy brain will serve us well and ensure we get the maximum from life. Looking after your brain will ensure a good memory, the retention of information and the ability to problem solve quickly and efficiently. It can be fed by a good diet, and exercised by problem solving, doing puzzles or playing memory games. Being active at work and in social circles will provide mental stimulation that helps keep your brain in good working order. If you’re not already participating in some type of activity that exercises your brain, find something that will fill this need. Learn chess, play games with your grandchildren, join a debating club, read books, meditate – find what best suits you.
By looking after our brains and our mental health we can stay active longer and avoid unwanted trips to hospital, which puts pressure on health services and uses a lot of resources, which in turn are a huge drain on our planet.

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