Sunday, 31 August 2014

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #283 Share Ideas

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #283 Share Ideas

In a world where climate change is being talked about daily instead of concentrating on the negative impending doom we can focus on the positive. Every time we talk to someone the opportunity arises for us to share ideas. It may be something as simple as talking about how you reduce food waste in your family or a good store you know of that sells fair trade products. You could share ideas on: reducing landfill; which products have been produced without cruelty to animals; when environmental events will take place, like beach cleanups and encourage them to join in; recycling or upcycling ideas. There’s a lot of information to share.
Governments could share ideas with other countries on how to manufacture or produce without harming the environment or using slave labour. If the world shared technology, medical knowledge, production methods and humanitarian ideas, maybe we’d avoid the worst of climate change. Maybe we’d make a better world.

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