Thursday 28 August 2014

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #282 Use Green Perfume

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #282 Use Green Perfume

The bad news first – your perfume may be made from chemicals, including phthalates, that may be harmful to your health. Perfumes have been made using artificial ingredients since the 1930s because they are cheap and easy to manufacture and can be produced in a wide range of fragrances. Prior to that time, perfumes were generally made from organic ingredients. With our environmental tendencies these days, the good news is that there is a growing return to producing perfumes using organic ingredients to produce eco-perfumes.
There’s even more good news. There are some groundbreaking companies who are also committing to sustainable sourcing of their ingredients by supporting farmers through long term contracts that not only guarantee supply but guarantee the farmer an income, even if environmental conditions lead to years when crops are less successful. Furthermore, the manufacturer and the farmer work together to ensure eco-friendly land management. It’s a three-way win!
The next step is for you, the shopper, to ensure you buy responsibly. You’ll have to do your homework, read more than just the label because they won’t tell you all the ingredients. Trawl the Internet and discover who is creating eco-perfume and where it can be purchased. Give it a go, then tell all your friends about it.

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