Friday 8 August 2014

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #264 Close Cooling Vents

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #264 Close Cooling Vents

Those of you who are lucky enough to have some form of cooling system in your home, remember to close off any vents to rooms that are not being used. Bedrooms generally don’t need to be cooled during the day – the vents can be closed off until late afternoon or early evening to cool them down in time for sleep. At night-time you don’t need to cool living areas while you’re sleeping. You get the picture.
These same vents can be the source of heat loss during winter when you’re trying to keep warm. Block off all the cooling vents and prevent your hard earned money pouring out through them instead of keeping you toasty.
By managing our heating and cooling with the utmost efficiency we are able to reduce energy use, save fossil fuels, prevent excess carbon emissions and save money. A win for us – a win for the planet.

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