Wednesday 13 August 2014

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #269 Gift Someone Your Smile

1000 Flowers for the Planet - #269 Gift Someone Your Smile

Go on – smile! Smile at someone you don’t know. Smile at a stranger you walk past in the street. Smile at a work colleague. Smile at the shop assistant. Walk in the door smiling when you get home at night and see how it affects your family. It doesn’t cost anything to smile. It’s completely free. Gift your smile to anyone and everyone, for free, and see how much you get back – it will be tenfold, because when you smile you actually make yourself feel better and that smile causes a glow all around you that’s infectious. Before you know it, people around you will start feeling better too. Gift someone your smile, as often as possible, and you may find you receive them in return. Smiles break down hate. Smiles create opportunity. Smiles make people feel better. Smiles cross barriers effortlessly.
These gifts from one person to another cost nothing. Yet they are the most valuable things we have to offer. They are the beginnings of love.
And they’ll make the biggest impact on the planet.

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